Z E N D A  M A G A Z I N E
[renamed Zinda Magazine in 1999]
Volume II                       Issue 2                      February 12, 1996

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A Weekly Online Newsletter Serving the Assyrian Communities Around the World

                    THE   L   I   G   H   T   H   O   U   S   E

                A SUMERIAN LOVE SONG

In the ancient Bet-Nahrain, in the land of Sumer, it
was the sacred duty of the ruler to marry a priestess
of the temple of Innana, the goddess of love and
procreation, in order to ensure fertility to the soil
and to the womb.  The ceremony was held during the
New Year's day celebration.  The following poem* was
recited by the temple priestesses nearly 5000 years ago:

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Lion, dear to my heart,
Goodly is your beauty, honeysweet.
You have captivated me,
let me stand trembling before you,
I would be taken by you to the bedchamber,

Let me caress you,
My precious caress is more savory than honey,
In the bedchamber, honey filled,
Let us enjoy your goodly beauty...
You have taken your pleasure of me,

[My love], I know how to gladden your heart,
Lion, sleep in our house until dawn.
You, because you love me,
My lord god, my lord protector,
Give me pray of your caress...

                From "History Begins at Sumer"
                Samuel Noah Kramer

*Not in its entirety

             G O O D   M O R N I N G   B E T - N A H R A I N

                                     (RU: Baghdad)

Iraq and the United Nations have begun talks on Security
Council resolution 986, which would allow Iraq up to
$2 billion in oil sales over six months to pay for
humanitarian supplies.  The resolution earmarks between
$130 to $150 million to go to northern Bet-Nahrain
over a 90-day period. Iraqi officials have repeatedly
made it clear that Baghdad objects to any terms which
would reenforce the autonomy of a rebel Kurdish enclave
in northern Bet-Nahrain.  The Assyrian and Kurdish
fighters set up the area after the Gulf War in 1991,
under the protection of Western airforces based in
Turkey.  There are an estimated 3 million people living
in this area, about 15 percent of the 20 million or so
population of Iraq.  70 kilometres (44 miles) of the
twin pipeline linking Iraq's giant oilfields around
Kirkuk to Turkish terminals on the Mediterranean coast,
where Iraq will have to export most of its oil under
the U.N. plan, runs through northern Bet-Nahrain.

                                              (RU:  Baghdad)

According to the government newspaper, al-Jumhouriya,
The Iraqi government will resume the supply of electrical
power to northern Bet-Nahrain. ``The ministry of industry
and minerals has announced readiness to deliver
electrical current to all areas under blackout in Iraqi
Kurdistan,'' the paper said.  Last month on direct
orders from President Saddam Hussein, the education
ministry supplied schools in northern Bet-Nahrain with
text books and stationary. Jumhouriya reported this week
that Saddam had also ordered the provision of food rations
to residents of this area.

                                     S U R F S  U P !
"I see that you have published the Assyrian Church of
the East Webside address in your February issue.  I
thank you for doing that but more so I would like to
congratulate you on behalf of our Church for your
outstanding and pioneering work at publishing Zenda
the first Assyrian electronic newsletter.

However, I would like to advise Zenda and its readers
that our new temporary address for the Church's Webside
is www.allover.com/cired.  And, furthermore, in a couple
of months CIRED (the publisher of this Webside) may get
for the Electronic Messenger a newer Webside address-one
that is registered independently.

God Bless you all.  May your work be brought to bear the
best of results for our scattered people and their
friends around the world."

                                -Bishop Mar Bawai Soro
                                 Gen. Sec. CIRED

"Happy birthday to ZENDA, and khaya Janhohk for a one
year of hard work, a Job well done... Please correct
this error in ZENDA calendar of event:  The Second
Assyrian Community networking conference is not in
MODESTO, the conference is in San Jose... please point
out to ZENDA readers that they can get full information
on ACNC'96 on the WWW by visiting our site at
http://www.nineveh.com/~agabrial/acnc.htm .  Also I
would like to announce the new Assyrian Woman Home Page
Shameiram in Cyberspace.  This site is maintained by
Sharokin [Betgevargiz] and e.BABYLON is the host...
http://www.nineveh.com/~agabrial/woman.htm.  God bless."

                                       -Albert Gabrial

"Schlomo aglecho athuroue, Hello all Assyrians in whole
America.  My name is Robert Masso. I'm calling from Sweden
in Stockholm, and want some of you to answer me after this
letter.  Like I said I am an Assyrian boy who lives here
in the cold Sweden. We have nearly -20 degrees Celsius.
I am 18 and go to school and read scientific.  Here I am
sitting at my friend's computer.  My hobby is sports.
So I will be glad if you could answer me about you...

                                        -Robert Masso

               N E W S    D I G E S T


(ZN: Los Angeles)  This month, in an attempt to
consolidate the activities of their religious and
civic organizations, the Assyrian residents of the
Greater Los Angeles and Orange County will elect the
Central Committee(Motva) of Southern California.
The Motva will consist of the representatives of
the many local groups and organizations. This elected
body will oversee the administration of all civic
activities and resolve the inter-organizational
conflicts, while building a consensus.  However, the
election organizers are rightfully concerned with the
possibility of a low turnout.  At this time no
information about the identity of the candidates and
are available.


(ZN: San Jose)  On February 3, the local leaders of
the Assyrian churches in San Jose, California and the
Executive Board of the Assyrian American Association
of San Jose held a formal meeting of their respective
executive committees.  The delegates from the Mar
Yousip Assyrian Church of the East, Mart Maryam's
Chaldean Catholic Church, and the AAA of San Jose
agreed upon closer cooperation on the implementation
of the Census Project, coordination of the local
entertainment activities, and the creation of a
Central Committee.


(ZN: New Britain)  Former Senator John Nimrod,
General Secretary of the Assyrian Universal
Alliance, will be the guest of the Assyrian
National Association of New Britain, Connecticut
on February 17.  Gen. Secretary will have an
opportunity to discuss the current political
status of the Assyrian nation in Bet-Nahrain and
abroad, and his active involvement in the United
Nation-sponsored organization- UNPO (Unrepresented
Nations and Peoples Organization).  One week
later, the ANA of New Britain will also host the
quarterly meeting of the Assyrian American National
Federation's National Executive Committee.
Among the many issues scheduled for discussion
will be the bitter-sweet relationship between
the AANF and the AUA in the United States.  At
issue is the possible call for termination of the
AANF's membership in the Assyrian Universal
Alliance, and the suspension of several Assyrian
organization's membership in the AANF.


(RU: Tehran)  5359 candidates,  including 305 women,
are registered to run in elections on March 8 for
Iran's 270-seat parliament (Majlis).  The Guardian
Council is screening the candidates and would rule
on their belief in Islam, the Islamic form of
government including the principle that it is
headed by a supreme spiritual leader.  45 candidates,
which include Assyrians, are contesting five seats
designated for non-Muslims. Tehran radio said 34.6
percent of the candidates were university graduates,
including 5.6 percent with doctorate degrees, and five
percent studied at theology schools.  Conservatives
who were earlier poised to maintain their majority in
parliament are expected to be challenged by centrist
candidates supporting the liberal economic reforms of
President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

  D I R E C T O R Y  OF THE  N E W S  S O U R C E S
AA (AAA of San Jose Newsletter)
AP (Associate Press)
AS (Assyrian Server in Sweden)
BN (Bet-Nahrain Journal)
EB (e.Babylon BBS): 1-209-668-1827
        Hollister, California
JS (Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society)
   P.O. Box 4102   Des Plaines, Illinois 60016-4102
NQ (Nebu Quarterly)
        P.O. Box 59422, Chicago  Illinois  60659
NV (Nineveh Newspaper)
RU (Reuters)
SC (soc.culture.assyrian)
TN (Turkish News Agency)
WS (The Wall Street Journal)
ZN (Zenda Reporters):   zenda@ix.netcom.com

       C A L E N D A R    OF     E V E N T S

Feb 17          A Speech by Former Sen. John Nimrod
                Assyrian Universal Alliance
                Secretary General
                Assyrian National Association
                39 South Street
                New Britain, Connecticut

Feb 24          National Executive Committee Meeting
                Assyrian American National Federation
                New Britain, Connecticut

March 1         The AAA of San Jose
                General Meeting
                BETA; 20000 Almaden Rd
                7:30 pm

March 13        "How a Babylonian Schoolboy learned
                 his ABC's"
                Public Lecture Series
                University of Toronto
               (416) 978-4531

May 25-26       2nd Assyrian Community Networking Conference
                Modesto, CA
                Red Lion Inn Hotel

May 24-27       Assyrian State Convention of California
                San Jose, CA
                Fairmont Hotel

May 24-25       Memorial Weekend Games
                Chicago, Illinois

June 1          Nineveh Choral Concert
                Conducted by Maestro Nebu Issabey
                San Jose, California
                Santa Teresa High School Auditorium
                8:00 pm

June 9-11       The ARAM Conference
                Harvard University
                Cambridge, Massachusetts  U.S.

Aug 29-Sept 2   AANF National Convention
                Modesto, CA
                Red Lion Inn Hotel

March 16        A Fundraising Party for Rep. Anna Eshoo
                Church of the East
                San Jose, CA

Thursdays     Assyrian Educational & Cultural Club at
              Modesto Junior College
              1:00 pm
              Founders Hall 125.

Mondays       Assyrian Language Classes
              BETA:  AAA of San Jose
              7:00-8:30 pm

              Assyrian Discussion Group
              BETA:  AAA of  San Jose
              8:00-9:30 pm

Thursdays     Nineveh Choir:  Maestro Nebu Issabey
              BETA:  AAA of San Jose
              7:30-9:00 pm
Tuesdays      Boys Soccer Practice
              South Valley Christian School
              Corner of Blossom and Shawnee
              San Jose, California
              5-6:30 pm

Sundays       Boys/Girls Volleyball
              Campbell Community Center
              Camden & Union
              Campbell, California
              6-9 pm
   A S S Y R I A N   S U R F I N G   P O S T S
                     NEW WEB SITES

Assyrian Woman Home Page



Ancient Mesopotamia

Akkadian Language

Assyria On-Line

Assyrian Flag

Assyrian Server (in Sweden)

Assyrian Songs

Assyrian Youth Association of Sweden

Church of the East Page

Corpus Neo Assyrian Project:  Helsinki, Finland


Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society

List of Books on Babylon


"Newsgroup"     soc.culture.assyrian

Nineveh Kids Homepage

Syriac Comp Inst

          P U M P  U P  T H E  V O L U M E
ENGLISH                   ASSYRIAN

Washer          Masyanta [F]
Refrigerator    Mqarnita [F]  [q as in qatoo (cat)]
Oven            Qameena  [F]

F = Feminine     M = Masculine      P = Plural

        B A C K    T O  T H E    F U T U R E
B.C.(721-705) Dur-Sharukin is founded by Sargon or
Sharukin II, 12 miles northeast of Nineveh.  The
city remained the seat of power for nearly a century

A.D.(May 19, 1924) At the Constantinople Conference
the following declaration was made on behalf of the
British government:  "Since the negotiations at
Lausanne were broken off, one problem has gained
considerably in importance in the eyes of His Majesty's
Government.  This problem is the future of the
Assyrians...His Majesty's Government feels under the
strongest obligation to secure their settlement in
accordance with the reasonable claims and aspirations
of their race.  They have made an earnest appeal
which His Majesty's government cannot regard with
indifference, to be established in their former
homes under a British Protectorate."

         W E L C O M E   T O   Z E N D A
Zenda welcomes our new on-line subscribers from:

              [CORPORATE ACCOUNTS]


Columbia University


Forest Hill, New York
Baltimore, Maryland
Stockholm, Sweden
Montreal, Canada
San Francisco

          A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Zenda wishes to thank the following individuals &
organizations whose contributions appear in this issue:

Albert Gabriel          Hollister, California
Sharokin Betgavargis    Bristol, Connecticut
Abraham George          Farmington, Connecticut
Assyrian National Association of Connecticut

ZENDA will continue to print your comments and
suggestions free of editing, as they appear in our
mailbox.  All letters will be printed in our SURFS UP!
section unless directed otherwise.
Our Next Issue will appear on Monday, February 19, 1996.